Madame Debb

Monday, January 31, 2011

i know you love the starlette but...

this is MORE amazing  :)

it's glittery
it's freaking hearts
it's freaking RED!

What's not to love?

oh i need you in my life, you beautiful heartlette crown  :(

one day, when taxes aren't due and paychecks actually do MORE than just support me.
wow, i really wanna cry now!
but no, this is happy blog land and i will prevail! i WILL own you one day...

Thursday, January 27, 2011

My name is Debbie and I suffer from CADD

That's right. I have CADD. Crafting Attention Deficit Disorder. There are just so many things i want to make. i NEED to make. cause yea, once my brain gets stuck on something we all know it tends to get a lil crazy in here. ha ha ha.

like this rib on rib cowl neckwarmer by tess young
and this colorful number!  has some lovely craft punches i could use for some valentines day card makin  :)

and then i saw this on pickles' page. it's prolly a good reasong to pop out a kid, if only for this blanket.
oh and i need this for hanging some amazing photos in my craft room whenever it decides to get finished, lol.

oh! and something like this...sans the whole pink tulle. looks WAY over done.

if you can't really tell what it is, well, yeah. its supposed to be this pink bulletin board n stuff. but yeah i think i'd make my own and not go the crazy color route.

oh and cause we know how much i love pillows....

so yeah, that's my two cent's. what ya think?

Saturday, January 22, 2011


Just wanted to make a quick post to get this out of my chest!
I've been so obsessed with this item for so long!
*drum roll, please*
The Starlette Crown by Giantdwarf!
 So gorgeous :'( One day I will own this beauty. One day.

Have a great weekend, everyone! A real post is coming soon, I promise.


Sunday, January 16, 2011

Five Faves //* Sunday

I hope everyone had a great weekend! Mine was... well... I hope you all enjoyed your weekend! Lol. I wanted to begin the week with my five current favorite things. Debbie is always cooking up lists of amazing things she has spotted, so I figured I should do the same!
First up is Aveeno's amazing body wash, fig + shea butter. You know the kind of smell that triggers the most lovely kinds of feelings with your senses, like walking inside an Anthropologie store? Well, with this body wash you can smell it all day long!
I'm lucky enough to be the proud owner of a Marc Jacobs handbag & shirt (thanks to an amazing friend and a crazy sale), but up until now I had never seen his other accessories! If they are anything like this gorgeous white bow watch I am definitely interested in seeing more!

I've been struggling quite a bit financially, so I like to treat myself every now & then to something cute and affordable so I don't go insane thinking all of my hard work goes nowhere (or to not-so-fun places)! I purchased [these] earrings from Cait's lovely etsy and am so excited to wear them! Her shop is full of equally lovely things!
I made a (brief) new post on my blog tonight after watching On the Town and couldn't help but drool over all of the amazing dresses and musical numbers! Definitely never fails to cheer me up.
Last but not least is my old mickey mouse crazy straw cup! I just had to include it in this post. If I ever find that baby again I will probably cry!

I hope everyone has a great week! I'm working on staying positive!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

DIY //* Fabric Yo-yos

Ticia here, with a current obsession I wanted to share with you all...

Fabric yo-yos!
(image credit here)
They've been around for quite a while now, and all of the craft communities I am part of seem to really love them! I now know exactly why. Not only are they incredibly easy to make, but they can spruce up any sweater, purse, or hairdo :). I skimmed a few tutorials and made some of my own last night! This is hardly a tutorial, but I wanted to show you guys how simple this can be :)

First, you just cut your fabric into a circle (I didn't use anything but you can use things around the house like a bowl, cup, etc... depending on what size you'd prefer it to be! I recommend cutting a fairly large one seeing as they do shrink quite a bit once completed). Then you just do a running stitch, keeping the thread facing the "inside" of the circle!
Once your stitches meet, just pull both sides and tie them in a knot.
I chose the lazy route and hot-glued the buttons/yo-yos together, but sewing them is always an option!
VoilĂ ! You can add them to headbands or even a simple brooch to add to so many things!
Thanks for looking, lovelies! I hope everyone has a great weekend <3

p.s. If you're as lazy as me and would prefer to just buy some cute yo-yos, visit Cait's etsy here! It is magical!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Je Vousdrais...

Oh pretty internetty people, how i adore thee!
did you know that other than being an amazing information seeker, the internet can be a girls best friend when it comes to shopping around for the coolest things on the ENTIRE PLANET? -maybe even space, let's not limit ourselves here, people!

Anywho, there are a ton of pretty little things that i want to someday own and here is one of em:

BEAUTIFUL isn't it?!
i dunno if i should or shouldn't say im getting it next month for my birthday/valentimes gift. however, it is a possibility :) and as we all know, the possibilities are endless!

on to other pretty things! some of my homies know that i have been trying to reorganize my supposed craft room. *heavy heavy sigh* well, there were a couple times that room actually looked like you could do crafts in it, i swear! however, as time progressed it sort of became the dumping zone for all the other little things we own. i wouldn't say it is as bad as those ppl on HOARDERS or CLEAN SWEEP. i mean i don't need a visit from niecy nash to tell me that my room looks like a HOT MESS and that i need to stop with the FOOLISHNESS of MY WAYS. ha. i love her. but i digress, yes world, my room is a mess.
so, ho humm. ho humm. what is this room of mine gonna look like? i know, but i DON'T know... isn't that how it always is? lol. so here's some of my inspiration.

cause, sometimes my brain needs to get wrangled in...

Or maybe even this one! cause we all know how much i love tea  :)

oh and how about some delish books to fill up my expedit shelves?

birdy hooks! i will admit i bought these bad boys a week ago! but since i love em so much i suppose i should share, right? ha ha ha...

ok, now yeah, humm. i liked this IDEA of having a tortoise to put my feet up on, or shove some books ontop it, or maybe well, i dunno...just to keep my company since i cant have a real tortoise of my own out here in the washington cold.
but yeah, now i really dunno. oh well...

Office supplies! lordy how i love em!
this kitty one especially pulls at my heartstrings.
since loki, my AMAZING first kitty of 4.5 years just past away on new years day. freaking lame.
anyways, paperclips!
owl book ends!
invisible shelves!


now i was serching for a bankers box or paper holder organizer of sorts. but none of em had enuff of a gothic whimsy that appeased me. so yea.

This uber cute body pillow case

wow, i just realized how tired i am. nap time for realz! love you lovelies! ciao!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

'Ello, mates!

I am so excited to start this new blog with my best friend, Miss Debb starr.
We will fill it with the happiest of happy,
cutest of cute,
creativest of creative,
craftiest of crafty,
& obviously some new vocabulary that you may never have heard of!
Together we will turn your frown inside out!
I mean... upside down.


p.s. Since we don't have much to share as of yet... you may now go drool over this beautiful duvet set from U.O. :)
hello my lovelies.
don't hate me cause i dont like to capitalize, hate me cause we love the same things  ;)
so today is info sesh day at school. i am supposed to show up with eager eyes, a smile, and a head and heart open and ready to learn. hard much? ha ha. no but really, when you have been up since 130am (cause i work hella early) and then you have class at 6pm, how energized and excited are you supposed to be? well, you guys will soon learn that i have SUPER anxiety. so much even that it could be considered a super power. HA! imaginge that, SUPER ANXIETY to the rescue! (or i guess the downfall of everything...)  I really think that mademoiselle leticia is the only other person i know who has these anxieties as well, espesh when it comes to new things and surroundings.

Anywho, onward ho! i say!!! i say!!! i say!!!
here is a little occular pleasure for you to feast on :)

well, honies, lemme tell you.
up above is a precious little crayon cabin. ha. let your inner child loose, folks! get crazy, colourful and crafty!
top right shows us what true happiness is! a plethora of moleskines awaiting their destiny!
bottom right: a watercolour set i am desperately seeking. alas, my paychecks determine what pretty things i get to purchase, and this my dears is not currently on the list :(  maybe i should work more?
bottom right: color pencils. beautiful color pencils. now THAT's how pencils ought to be arranged!

unfortunately, as much as i wish and hope that my school bag would currently contain those things, it truly is unneccesary. especially since i'm not currently an art major! ha! but you prolly wouldn't know that from looking inside my bags and purses. lol

so, what IS inside my school bag? well, here we go!

  • my moly. my mind compendium as i like to call it.
  • a scarf i am currently working on, not this picture per se, but VERY CLOSE to it :)
  • my green pashmina and trusty black knit beanie.
  • and a crap load of micron pens. gosh, how i love them.
a WIW and WIMP post to follow!
xoxo lovelies...